Earl Evans is an enrolled citizen of the Haliwa-Saponi Indian Tribe, and former Vice Chairman of the Haliwa-Saponi Tribal Council. Through the firm’s strategic relationship with Red Cedar Solutions, he provides support to select Cultural Heritage Partners clients. Earl has over 25 years of formal involvement in issues impacting American Indian tribal governments, including government relations, community and economic development, environmental and cultural preservation, and fundraising.
During his tenure with a special inter-agency initiative of President Bill Clinton to foster sustainable economic development activities within Indian tribal communities, Earl assisted with many economic development projects across the country and managed several federal contract projects. Shortly thereafter, Governor Mark Warner appointed Earl to the Virginia Governor’s Commission on National and Community Service, where he served as Chairman of the Commission’s program development committee, providing millions in annual grants funding to nonprofits and community organizations.
Having assisted several Indian tribal clients garner millions of dollars in new opportunities over the years, Earl has also helped found Native youth organizations, national Inter-tribal organizations, and the Haliwa-Saponi Tribal School. He has served as a board member for over a dozen local, state, and national entities, and is trusted by many clients to liaise on their behalf to organizations and government agencies.
In addition to directing development efforts that have secured generous philanthropic support for important causes in Indian Country, Earl assists clients with programmatic, cultural preservation, consultation, and economic development matters.
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