We have officially crossed the line—the energy sector line, that is. GAPP is now LEAP!
We formed the Gas and Preservation Partnership in 2013 to find collaborative and voluntary practices that would allow natural gas companies to advance their business goals while also valuing the estimated 200,000 historic and cultural resources that might be impacted during operations in the active US shale plays. GAPP’s novel approach of empowering hydraulic fracturing experts and historic preservation experts with win-win solutions outside of a regulatory environment has drawn intense interest from other energy sectors whose operations also impact land and landscapes including transmission, pipelines, utilities, solar, wind, and other renewables. To embrace the forward-thinking leadership of this broader coalition, we are pleased to announce our name change to Leaders in Energy and Preservation, or LEAP. Whereas we first aimed to “Bridge the GAPP” we now aim to “LEAP Forward.”
Cultural Heritage Partners’ Marion Werkheiser serves as managing director of LEAP. Learn more at http://www.energyandpreservation.org.