Tapestry from Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest returning to Germany
Last December, Congress passed the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, a $305 billion transportation funding bill with significant implications for historic preservation.
Last December, Congress passed the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, a $305 billion transportation funding bill with significant implications for historic preservation.
The US Congress is close to passing the Holocaust Expropriated Art Recovery Act of 2016, which would make it easier in the US for heirs of Holocaust victims to recover art looted by the Nazis—but the clock is ticking as the legislative season nears its end.
CHP’s Marion Werkheiser participated in a ministerial level conference in Cairo, Egypt, in June aimed at devising practical solutions to halting cultural racketeering– the systematic looting of antiquities by organized crime or terrorists– in the Middle East.
Marion Werkheiser was honored to attend a ministerial level conference in Cairo, Egypt, last week to discuss practical solutions to halting cultural racketeering– the systematic looting of antiquities by organized crime or terrorists– in the Middle East.
The unprecedented devastation of Hurricane Sandy forced many art owners to ask, what do I do with my collection now that it’s been irreparably damaged? AXA Art Insurance Corporation v. Christie’s Fine Art Storage, No. 652862 (N.Y. Sup. Ct.. Aug. 15, 2013), brings this question into stark relief for one major collection.
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